
Zen Meditation “Workshop”

We hope you will consider joining us for this Zen Meditation “workshop” at the Awakened Meditation Centre on Saturday, March 28, 2015, at 17:00 p.m. to midnight.

The intensive Zen meditation introduction and instruction workshop is a period of sustained practice designed to help us realize our true nature.  These periods of focused practice are the heart of Zen training and suitable for both the beginner and seasoned practitioners.  The workshop will give participants the opportunity to experience sitting meditation, Ko-An practice, Ko-An interview and Dharma talk about “no-self”, “emptiness”, “liberation” and “nirvana”.

This workshop will introduce Zen meditation, theory and practice, obstacles and conquest methods that happen in meditation.  These are very important, and more…

Hwasun Yangil Dae Soen Sa Nim will lead this retreat with the assistance of Zen Master Chris Warren and Zen Master Greg Samuelson.


You will need to register to yangilsunim@gmail.com or 416-305-8226.  The cost for the workshop is $40.00 donation.


17:00 p.m. – 17:30………………..Tea ceremony.

17:30 p.m. – 17:45………………..Evening homage.

17:45 p.m. – 18:25………………..Sitting meditation.

18:25 p.m. – 18:30………………..Walking meditation.

18:30 p.m. – 19:00………………..Sitting meditation.

19:00 p.m. – 20:00………………..Dinner (Zen meal).

20:00 p.m. – Midnight…………..Sitting meditation, walking and Dharma talk about “no-self”, “emptiness”, “liberation”, and “nirvana” by Zen Master Yangil.

24:00 (midnight) ………………..End of workshop.

In this workshop participants will properly learn the theory and practice that makes you more peaceful and so you can enjoy a happy life.

“The important thing is, the unique moment that you can attain enlightenment is here and now.”